Frequently asked questions

If you have any questions that are not covered below, please let us know using the link below and we will get back to you and if needed add it to our list.

Fat Loss:

  • How do I create a calorie deficit for fat loss?

To create a calorie deficit, we recommend that you should consume fewer calories than your body expends. You can achieve this by either reducing your calorie intake, increasing physical activity or a combination of both (see our full breakdown on a calorie deficit and bulking).

  • What are the most effective fat-burning exercises?

We would recommend strength training with compound movements, to engage large muscle groups 2 to 4 times per week, and other movement types that raise your heart rate with resistance training and functional movements. Examples include high-intensity interval training (HIIT, TABATA, EMOM, and other circuit training methods)

  • Is it possible to target fat reduction in my tummy?

Spot reduction is a common misconception that would be influencers flaunt to get views and likes. Unfortunately, you cannot selectively reduce fat from specific areas of your body. Fat loss occurs throughout your body because of a calorie deficit and through regular exercise.

  • How important is diet in fat loss compared to exercise?

Hands down for the best results, we recommend both diet and exercise are important for fat loss, but diet plays a more significant role (You’ve heard the saying abs are made in the kitchen). You can’t out-exercise a poor diet. A balanced diet that creates a calorie deficit is key for effective sustainable fat loss and may be enhanced with the right exercise plan for you.

  • What is the role of metabolism in fat loss?

Getting into the science of it here but put simply, metabolism affects the rate at which your body burns calories. While genetics play a role, you can boost your metabolism through regular exercise, especially strength training, and by maintaining muscle mass.

  • How can I overcome weight loss plateaus?

Unfortunately, weight loss plateaus are more common than you think. We are confident we can help you overcome your plateau, we would consider adjusting your calorie intake, changing your exercise routine, and tracking your progress more meticulously. Patience is also crucial during plateaus (It is a marathon, not a sprint).


  • What’s the best type of exercise for overall fitness?

Truth be told, a well-rounded fitness routine includes a mix of cardio, strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises. This combination ensures you target various aspects of fitness and all muscle groups and vital organs that keep the body in tip-top shape.

  • How do I create a well-rounded workout routine?

We can support you in this however, it can also be done on your own, a well-rounded workout routine incorporates aerobic (cardio) exercises, resistance (strength) training, and flexibility (stretching) exercises. It’s essential to balance these elements.  If you are unsure where to start, chat to us and we can support your journey.

  • How can I stay motivated to exercise regularly?

The holy grail of questions – Motivation varies from person to person. Setting clear, achievable goals, finding enjoyable activities, having a workout buddy, and tracking your progress can help maintain motivation.  This is one of the main reasons personal trainers exist, individuals find it hard to stay focused and motivated. Contact us for more information on how we can help with this with one of our plans or with more information on how you can do this on your own.

  • Is it necessary to use gym equipment for effective workouts?

No, you can achieve effective workouts without gym equipment by using bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or free weights. Gym equipment can add variety, but it’s not a necessity.  We design and schedule workouts for all situations regardless of your equipment or experience.

  • How often should I change my exercise routine for better results?

We would recommend regular changes to prevent plateaus and keep making progress, it’s beneficial to change your exercise routine every 4-6 weeks. Add new exercises, increase weight or intensity gradually to encourage progressive overload, and vary your workouts to challenge your body.  Most importantly, enjoy what you do and it will help you stay motivated.

Building Muscle:

  • What’s the ideal protein intake for muscle growth?

A general guide for muscle building or maintenance we would recommend that you consume around 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily to support muscle growth. We would adjust this amount based on your individual needs and goals.

  • How important is rest and recovery for muscle building?

More important than you think!  Rest and recovery are crucial. Muscles repair and grow during periods of rest. We suggest 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, prioritise quality sleep and nutrition to get the best results out of all the hard work with your diet and workouts.

  • What’s the difference between compound and isolation exercises for muscle development?

Compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups (e.g., squats, deadlifts), while isolation exercises target a single muscle (e.g., bicep curls). A balanced routine should include both to build overall strength and muscle size.

  • What’s the best way to track progress in muscle gain?

Tracking muscle gain can involve measurements by tape measure and calliper’s, progress photos, and strength improvements in your workouts. It’s important to be patient, as muscle gains take time (Like fat loss, muscle gain is a marathon, not a sprint).

  • Can I build muscle without lifting heavy weights?

Yes, you can build muscle with various resistance training methods, including bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or lighter weights. The key is to progressively increase resistance over time.

  • How long does it typically take to see noticeable muscle gains?

If you are new to muscle building you will see good to great gains over the first 3 to 6 months and then this will slow.  The time to see noticeable muscle gains varies based on several factors, including genetics, consistency, and training intensity. Generally, it may take a few months to see visible changes, with more significant gains over time.

Pre- and Postpartum Fat Loss and Exercise:

  • Is it safe to try to lose fat during pregnancy?

It’s NOT recommended to aim for fat loss during pregnancy. Your body undergoes significant changes, and the primary focus should be on the health of both you and your baby. Consult with a GP or healthcare professional for safe guidance.

  • When can I start exercising after giving birth?

In most cases, you can start gentle, low-impact exercises, like walking, after receiving clearance from your GP or healthcare provider. The timing can vary based on the type of birth and other individual or medical factors, we would be happy to discuss this further with you.

  • How can I safely lose fat postpartum while breastfeeding?

We recommend that you introduce a gradual and moderate calorie reduction, it is typically safe while breastfeeding to avoid affecting milk supply. Focus on a balanced nutritious diet, always stay hydrated, and include light to moderate exercise once cleared by your GP or healthcare provider.

Pre- and Postpartum Muscle Building:

  • Is it possible to build muscle during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not the ideal time for muscle building, as your body’s resources are directed towards the baby’s development. However, you can maintain muscle strength with safe, low-intensity resistance exercises.  We recommend that you always consult your GP or healthcare provider prior to any exercise plan.

  • When can I start working on muscle-building postpartum?

The timing for muscle-building postpartum varies, but you can usually begin with gentle resistance exercises around six weeks post-delivery, provided you have medical clearance. Gradually increase intensity as you regain strength. We can provide you with a strength and conditioning plan to suit your needs once you have consulted with your GP or healthcare provider.

  • Can I follow my pre-pregnancy exercise routine postpartum?

Your postpartum exercise routine should be adapted to your body’s recovery. You may not be able to resume your pre-pregnancy routine immediately. We would recommend that you focus on a gradual return to exercise and prioritise your health and well-being.

  • What’s the best way to regain core strength postpartum?

Rebuilding core strength postpartum is essential. Begin with gentle exercises like pelvic tilts and Kegels. As you progress and receive medical clearance, incorporate safe core-strengthening exercises, such as planks and bridges.

Always consult with a healthcare provider, preferably one experienced in maternal health, before making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine during pregnancy or postpartum. Your safety and the health of both you and your baby should be the top priorities.


The information provided above is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or guidance.

Before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or health practices, we strongly recommend that you consult with your GP or healthcare provider.

Fitness Evolved LTD, its affiliates, and the authors of the information provided assume no responsibility or liability for any actions taken by individuals based on the information provided here. Every person’s health and circumstances are unique and individualised guidance from a healthcare professional is essential to ensure your safety and well-being.

Please consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice, particularly if you are pregnant, postpartum, or have any underlying medical conditions.